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Population Health Publishes “Impact of Pan-Ethnic Expanded Carrier Screening in Improving Population Health Outcomes”

By July 28, 2021No Comments

The Access to Equitable Carrier Screening Coalition (AECS) is pleased to announce the publication of “Impact of Pan-Ethnic Expanded Carrier Screening in Improving Population Health Outcomes” in Population Health Management. This publication is a summary of a multi-stakeholder virtual roundtable summit held in coordination with AECS. Participants included OB/GYNs, geneticist, nurse practitioners, genetic counselors, patient advocates and payers.

 As the article highlights, there was consensus among the stakeholders that current carrier screening guidelines create disparities. The participants agreed that expanded carrier screening should be available during the preconception and prenatal periods to ameliorate the exacerbation of health inequities and disparities.

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